

The bad news …..

Feel there’s a gap between you and God? You’re right. There is.
Read about it in the opening chapters of the Bible, in the Book of Genesis, Chapters 1 – 3.

This gap is a gash, a tear in the fabric of our lives. It brings to humanity destructive patterns of behaviour, which the Bible calls ‘sin’. The world is infected with sin. And so are you.
Read about it in the Book of Romans, Chapter 1, verses 18 - 25.

The good news …..

God loves you. He loves you more intensely than anyone else can. He wants the best for you. That’s why Jesus Christ came into the world.
Read about it in the Book of John, Chapter 3, verses 16 – 21.

Jesus Christ is God’s antidote and answer to our sin. Jesus Christ cleanses you of your sin. Jesus Christ heals you of your hurts. He will lead you into the life that God has for you. If you want. Read about it in the Book of
John, Chapters 18 - 21.



God wants you to begin a journey. A journey that brings your life and His life together. That will transform you and everything around you.

It begins with you receiving. First of all, you need to decide whether you really want to belong to Jesus. You need to find out about Him. To do so, click on the ‘Journey’ icon right now.

Once you’ve opened your life to Jesus and received Him, you will want to receive the Holy Spirit too. Read about this in the Book of
John, Chapter 14, verses 15 - 27.

Remember, when you become a Christian you enter a new reality. You bring an alternative reality into this present dimension: the reality of the Kingdom of God. Focus on this. Pursue Justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. Seek to love and to serve. Get your life lined up with the purposes that God has for you and for His whole creation. Read about it in the Book of Luke, Chapter 4, verses 18 - 19.

Now you've started .....

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